Overbend Custom Hamronica
Overbend Custom
Adding the overblow option to a Full Custom harmonica enables the 1, 4, 5 and 6 hole OVERBLOWS and 7, 8, 9 and 10 hole OVERDRAWS to be played as melody notes. You can play all overbends from a full stop. This harmonica features overblows and overdraws that are sustainable and bendable using regular breath force.
Blow notes, draw notes, bends and overblows/overdraws all play with the same breath force; the overblows do not need any extra breath to play than any other notes. (Although the 1-hole overblow is played with regular breath force, the embouchure required can take significant effort - you must open very wide! This is how our vocal tract works regardless of the setup of the instrument.)
An overblow/overdraw harmonica responds to fine control but not brute force. Any harmonica that offers high-quality overblows and overdraws must compromise the ability to play under very hard breath force in exchange for the maximum depth of the overbend notes.
Regular notes will respond to lighter breath on an Overblow harp as compared to a stock harp. This is particularly noticeable in lower keys. If you play exclusively with hard breath force you may find an Overblow setup limiting.
But for most players, the enhanced control of an Overblow harp allows for expression you can't experience from any other harmonica.
This harp enables you to play from ppp (pianississimo - very very soft) to fff (fortississimo - very very loud) and everything in between - all with very little breath.
Available as:
- Rocket
- Special 20
- Marine Band Deluxe or Crossover
- Golden Melody Classic (Not the Progressive version)