Despite the higher initial cost, over five years the overall cost of ownership of a custom harmonica is significantly lower than the cost of stock, off-the-shelf harmonicas.
My custom harmonicas are remarkably responsive, loud and FUN to play. They are sold at a higher price that stock, off-the-shelf harmonicas, but they are much better instruments. Considering the hours spend on customizing each instrument, a custom harmonica is better value despite the higher price.
When you buy a custom harmonica from me, you can expect to have a well-playing instrument for years to come. This is because I offer service to your custom harmonica.
If you look a little beyond the initial purchase, a custom harmonica is usually cheaper to own that a stock instrument.
My service extends the life of the instrument. Reeds can be replaced, the tuning can be adjusted and the harp can maintain its high level of response and volume far beyond the lifespan of a stock harp.
Comparison: Purchase price:
Hohner Crossover* - $111
Semi custom Hohner Rocket - $179
Custom Hohner Marine Band Deluxe - $268
* (Shipping costs added)

Let's assume a harp lasts about a year before it becomes worn out. I believe a custom harp can last longer than a stock harp in most cases but to be fair, let's consider both harps equally.
To replace a stock harp, you will need to spend the purchase cost on a new harp. To service my custom harp, you will need to spend about $50 ($30 plus two way shipping)
Comparison: Over Five years:
Hohner Crossover* - $111 x 5 = $555
Semi custom Hohner Rocket - $179 + $200** = $379
Custom Hohner Marine Band Deluxe - $268 + $200** = $468
** Service costs with shipping charges added

My custom harmonicas are much better instruments than stock. Despite the higher initial cost, over five years the overall cost of ownership of a semi-custom or custom harmonica is significantly lower than the cost of stock, off-the-shelf harmonicas. My custom harmonicas offer much better value than stock instruments.